
About Package manager

   Jun 21, 2023     1 min read

This is a post about the Package Manager.(with. npm & yarn)

Package Manager

We work on projects and use package managers to develop and deploy applications. However, depending on the project, we adopt npm or yarn, and I wondered what the clear differences are.

What is Node Package Manager (NPM)?

npm is the official package manager for the Node.js ecosystem.

  • It is primarily used to develop and deploy Node.js applications.
  • It can handle a variety of tasks in your JavaScript project, including managing dependencies, installing packages, and running scripts.
  • It is the default package manager that comes with Node.js when you install it.

For more information, see: ##### What is Yarn?

Yarn is a package manager developed by Facebook.

  • It provides faster package installation and dependency resolution compared to npm.
  • It uses caching during the package installation process to minimize redundant downloads and uses a more consistent dependency resolution approach.
  • It provides the ability to efficiently manage dependencies in multi-project repositories.

While npm is used for basic package management in JavaScript projects, yarn may be preferred by developers who want faster dependency management and package installation than npm. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to use the default or approach it from a functional perspective, and then apply it to your project.