About implementing the hashtag feature
I wrote a post on how to implement the hashtag feature.
On social media, hashtags are often considered a must-have feature. They can trigger interactions between users, and they can also be used as a trending and marketing element.
I had the opportunity to implement hashtags at my current company, so I thought I’d walk through a simple example to show you how to do it.
Hashtag implementation example
- Create a hashtag component: Create a React component to display the hashtag.
# hashtag.js
import React from 'react';
const Hashtag = ({ tag }) => {
return <span>#{tag}</span>;
- Use hashtags: Use the component to display hashtags.
# App.js
import React from 'react';
import Hashtag from './Hashtag';
const App = () => {
const hashtags = ['react', 'javascript', 'webdevelopment'];
return (
{hashtags.map((tag, index) => (
<Hashtag key={index} tag={tag} />
export default App;
The above example creates a Hashtag component to display hashtags, and maps the hashtags stored in the ‘hashtags’ array in the ‘App’ component to display them on the screen. We used the ‘key’ prop as a unique identifier that React needs when rendering the component list.
Next, we’ll talk about how hashtags should be designed to be implemented on the server.