
About ES6 syntax 4 (Template literals, Object initializer)

   Aug 10, 2023     1 min read

This article introduced ES6 syntax (Template literals, Object initializer)

This post is to summarize ES6 syntax, which I recently revisited in preparation for a coding test.

ES6 stands for ECMAScript, a standardized version of JavaScript released in 2015.

About Template literals

To use them, use backticks ( ) instead of double quotes (β€œ β€œ) or single quotes (β€˜ β€˜). You can also use placeholders to contain expressions. They are represented by a $ and curly braces ( ${expression} ). Inside a placeholder, the expression and the text between them are passed to the function together, and the default function simply concatenates those parts into a single string.

If you want to use the backtick character inside a template literal, you can do so by putting a backslash () in front of the backtick.

Example Template literals
`\`` === "`"; // --> true

About object literals (Object initializers)

Methods no longer need to be prefixed with a colon ( : ) or function. If you have overlapping function names, you can only write them once. To dynamically create a property of an object, you used to have to declare it outside of an object literal, but starting with ES6, you can use it as a property right inside the object.

Example of an object literal (Object initializer)
const myFunction = function () {
  console.log("my function");

const myText = "text";

const myObject = {
  // Create myObject in innerFunction
  innerFunction() {
    console.log("Declare a function directly inside an object.");
  // Call outside function
  // Call outside string and Update key, value
  [myText + 1]: "Chamber",

myObject.innerFunction(); // result: Declare a function directly inside an object. myObject.innerFunction(); // result: Declare a function directly inside an object.
myObject.myFunction(); // result: my function
console.log(myObject.text1); // result: Chamber