
How to concatenate substring to create a string (with.Java)

   Sep 10, 2023     1 min read

In this article, we learned how to concatenate partial strings to create a string (with.Java).

Weā€™ve been solving coding test problems, reflecting on the problems weā€™ve solved, and learning about other ways to solve them.

Letā€™s start with the problem.


You are given an array of strings of equal length my_strings and a two-dimensional integer array parts as parameters.

parts[i] is of the form [s, e], meaning the substring from index s to index e of my_string[i].

Write a solution function that returns a string of concatenated substring corresponding to parts of the elements of each my_strings.

Example input and output

my_string: [ā€œprogressiveā€, ā€œhamburgerā€, ā€œhammerā€, ā€œahocorasickā€]

queries: [[0, 4], [1, 2], [3, 5], [7, 7]]

result: ā€œprogrammersā€

Solving the example, the string of each substring concatenated in order is ā€œprogrammersā€, so it returns ā€œprogrammersā€.

My solution to the problem

class Solution {
    public String solution(String[] my_strings, int[][] parts) {
        String answer = "";
        for(int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
            answer += my_strings[i].substring(parts[i][0], parts[i][1]+1);
        } return answer;

To implement the logic, we create a loop that traverses the length of parts, and then store the string elements of my_strings in answer of type String using the substring function.

I have inserted parts[i][0], parts[i][1]+1 in the arguments to the substring() function, which means that substring will return a string starting at startIndex and ending just before endIndex.

This is because, in simple math, startIndex <= sequence number < endIndex.

To get the return value up to index, which is what the problem requires, we need to add +1 to make it <=, so we did.