Why StringBuilder is efficient
This article explains why StringBuilders are efficient.
When we solve coding test questions in Java or consult programming textbooks about programming in Java and string manipulation, the textbooks often cover StringBuilder and the benefits of string manipulation.
In this article, we’ll learn why they are efficient and use them.
Why should you use it?
- Variability: StringBuilder is a mutable object, which means that when you modify a string, you can modify the original string directly, rather than continually generating a new string. This makes string modification operations fast and memory efficient.
- Higher performance: When modifying a string, using StringBuilder doesn’t cost you the cost of creating or copying a new string each time. Instead, it modifies the existing string directly, which provides faster performance.
- Memory efficiency: StringBuilder does not create or copy temporary objects for string manipulation, so it can use memory efficiently.
When you need to dynamically manipulate strings, using StringBuilder can provide performance and memory usage benefits.
On the other hand, if string manipulation is infrequent, you can get away with using simple string concatenation (+ operator).