
About HashMap(with.Java)

   Oct 31, 2023     1 min read

This article introduces HashMap.

I’m preparing for a coding test, and I’m writing this down to introduce a useful tool in Java.

What is a HashMap?

A HashMap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs, and retrieves and manipulates values based on keys. In Java, it is included in the java.util package.

Key features of a hashmap

  • Stores key-value pairs: Hashmaps store data by associating keys with values. Keys are unique and never duplicated.
  • Fast search speed: Hashmaps retrieve values based on keys, so you can find data quickly.
  • No order: Hashmaps don’t guarantee the order of your data, so it won’t be retrieved in the order you stored it.
  • No key duplication: The same key cannot be stored twice in a single hashmap. If a duplicate key is used, existing values will be replaced.
  • Synchronization support: For safe use in multi-threaded environments, you can use Collections.synchronizedMap() to create a synchronized hashmap.

for a summary of frequently used methods in hashmaps

  • put(key, value): Maps the specified key and value and adds them to the hashmap. If the same key already exists, the existing value will be replaced.
  • get(key): Returns the value corresponding to the given key. Returns null if the key does not exist.
  • containsKey(key): Checks whether the given key exists within the hashmap. Returns true if it exists, false otherwise.
  • containsValue(value): Checks whether the specified value exists within the hashmap. Returns true if it exists, false otherwise.
  • remove(key): Removes the value associated with the specified key from the hashmap.
  • size(): Returns the number of key-value pairs stored in the hashmap.
  • isEmpty(): Checks whether the hashmap is empty. Returns true if it is empty, false otherwise.
  • clear(): Removes all key-value pairs within the hashmap, leaving it empty.
  • keySet(): Returns a Set collection containing all the keys in the hashmap. This allows you to access all the keys.
  • values(): Returns a Collection containing all the values in the hashmap. This allows you to enumerate all the values.
  • entrySet(): Returns a Set collection containing the key-value pairs in the hashmap. This allows you to access all the key-value pairs.


In other words, hashmaps are one of the many Java Collection Framework classes that are particularly useful in situations where you need to store and retrieve data effectively.