
I hate even numbers (with.Java)

   Dec 28, 2023     2 min read

This is a post about the “I hate even numbers” problem.

We’re going to learn about it by solving coding test problems, reflecting on the problems we solved, and exploring other ways to solve them.

Let’s start with the problem.


Complete the solution function so that, given an integer n as a parameter, it returns an array containing the odd numbers n or less in ascending order.

Example input and output

10[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
15[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]

My solution to the ### problem

class Solution {
    public int[] solution(int n) {
        int[] answer;
        if(n % 2 == 0){
            answer = new int[n / 2];
        } else {
            answer = new int[n / 2 + 1];

        int count = 0;
        for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++){
            if(i % 2 != 0){
                answer[count++] = i;
    } return answer;

solution description

public int[] solution(int n) : Declares a function solution, which takes a positive integer n as an input parameter. The function returns an array of integers.

int[] answer;: Declares an array of integers, answer. This array will be used later as an array to store odd numbers.

if (n % 2 == 0): If the input n is even, initialize the size of the answer array to (n / 2), since there will be (n / 2) odd numbers.

answer = new int[n / 2];: initialize the size of the array to (n / 2) when it is even.

else : If the input n is odd, initialize the size of the answer array to ((n / 2) + 1) because there will be ((n / 2) + 1) odd numbers.

answer = new int[n / 2 + 1];: Initialize the array size to ((n / 2) + 1) for odd numbers.

int count = 0;: Declare the count variable and initialize it to 0. This variable will be used when storing odd numbers in the answer array.

for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) : Repeat for all integers from 1 to n.

if (i % 2 != 0) : If the current number i is odd, that is, when divided by 2, the remainder is 1, do the following

answer[count++] = i;: Store the current odd number i in the answer array, incrementing the count variable to indicate where to store the next odd number.

return answer;: Return the answer array filled with odd numbers as the return value of the function.