
Sharing a Pizza 2 (with.Java)

   Jan 6, 2024     2 min read

This is a recap of the “Share a Pizza 2” problem.

We’re going to learn by solving coding test problems, reflecting on the problems we’ve solved, and exploring other ways to solve them.

Let’s start with the problem.


A pizza parlor cuts a pizza into six slices.

Given the number n of people to share the pizza as a parameter, complete the solution function so that it returns the minimum number of slices that should be ordered if n people are to eat the same number of slices without leaving any leftovers.

Example input and output


My solution to the ### problem

class Solution {
	public int solution(int n) {
		int answer = 0;
		for (int i = 1; i <= 6 * n; i++) {
			if (6 * i % n == 0) {
				answer = i;
    } return answer;

solution description

int answer = 0;: Initialize the variable answer to store the resulting value.

for (int i = 1; i <= 6 _ n; i++) : Iterate over i in multiples of 1 through 6 _ n. This is because no matter how big it is, it will never go over the value of 6 * n. This is because no matter how large it is, it will never exceed the value of 6 * n.

if (6 * i % n == 0): check if the value multiplied by 6 for the current i is divisible by n.

answer = i;: If it does, store the current value of i in answer and end the loop.

break;: If the condition is satisfied, end the loop.

return answer;: Returns the calculated result, answer.

This code finds the first number that is divisible by n among multiples of 6.

If n is a multiple of 6, answer will be 1. Otherwise, the smallest number among the multiples of n is returned as answer.