
Maven and Gradle - A Comparison of Tools for Building Java Projects

   Jan 26, 2024     1 min read


Maven and Gradle are the two main build tools used by Java developers to manage and build their projects.

They each have their own characteristics, allowing developers to choose based on their project requirements and preferences.



  • XML-based configuration: Maven uses XML to define project structure and build settings.
  • Setup over conventions: Maven organizes and builds your project according to the rules. It’s simple enough that no additional configuration is required.
  • Leverage a central repository: Maven downloads dependency libraries from a central repository and caches them in its own local repository for reuse.
  • Plugin-based extensions: Maven can be extended with a variety of plugins to perform build-related tasks.


  • Simple structure makes it easy to start a project.
  • Setup is minimal because it follows conventions.



  • Uses Groovy DSL: Gradle provides a dynamic DSL using the Groovy language. This enables more concise and expressive build scripts.
  • Conventions over settings and settings over conventions: Gradle provides high flexibility while following conventions. There is a lot of scope to customize settings.
  • Script-driven build definition: Gradle treats build scripts as part of the programming language, providing high flexibility when writing them.
  • Support for multi-project builds: Gradle efficiently supports dependency management and parallel builds between multiple projects.


  • Highly flexible, suitable for complex projects.
  • Powerful plugin system and rich ecosystem.

Which one should you choose?

  • Project size and complexity: Maven is better suited for smaller projects, while Gradle offers more flexibility for larger projects.
  • DSL preference: If you prefer a dynamic DSL with Groovy, Gradle is a good choice.
  • Ecosystem and support: Maven has been around for a long time, so it has a vast ecosystem; however, Gradle is also enjoying continuous growth and support.
  • Importance of conventions and settings: Maven tends to minimize settings and follow conventions. Gradle emphasizes flexibility in settings and is highly customizable.


Depending on the nature of the project and the experience of the developer, you can choose between Maven and Gradle.