
Addition of hidden numbers 1 (with.Java)

   Feb 16, 2024     1 min read

This is an article about the “Addition of hidden numbers 1” problem.

As I solve coding test problems, I look back on the problems I solved and look into different solution methods to learn more.

Let’s look at the problem first.


The string my_string is given as a parameter.

Complete the solution function to return the sum of all natural numbers in my_string.


  • 1 ≤ length of my_string ≤ 1,000
  • my_string consists only of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and one-digit natural numbers.

Input/Output Example


My solution to the problem

class Solution {
     public int solution(String my_string) {
         int answer = 0;
         for (char ch : my_string.toCharArray()) {
             if (Character.isDigit(ch)) {
                 answer += Character.getNumericValue(ch);
         return answer;

Solution explanation

  • solution(String my_string): Extracts a number from the given string my_string and returns the result of adding the extracted numbers.
  • int answer: Variable to store the final result.
  • While iterating through the string, use Character.isDigit(ch) to check whether each character is a number. If it is a number, use Character.getNumericValue(ch) to accumulate and add the numbers.
  • Returns the final added value.

Code Advantages

  • Easy to add numbers: The process of extracting numbers from each letter and adding them is simple and intuitive.

Code Disadvantages

  • Number range limitation: The code extracts only numbers from 0 to 9 from the string and adds them. If you need a different number range, you will need to modify your code.