Find largest number (with.Java)
This article examines the problem of “Finding the largest number.”
As I solve coding test problems, I look back on the problems I solved and look into different solution methods to learn more.
Let’s look at the problem first.
When an integer array array is given as a parameter, complete the solution function to return an array containing the largest number and its index.
- 1 ≤ length of array ≤ 100
- 0 ≤ array element ≤ 1,000
- There are no duplicate numbers in the array.
Input/Output Example
array | result |
[1, 8, 3] | [8, 1] |
[9, 10, 11, 8] | [11, 2] |
My solution to the problem
class Solution {
public int[] solution(int[] array) {
int[] answer = new int[2];
int temp = 0;
int idx = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
if(temp < array[i]){
temp = array[i];
idx = i;
answer[0] = temp;
answer[1] = idx;
return answer;
Solution explanation
- First, an int array answer of size 2 is declared and initialized. This array is used to store the results.
- Additionally, int variables temp and idx are also declared and initialized to 0.
- temp is a variable that stores the maximum value to date, and idx is a variable that stores the index of the maximum value.
- Next, iterate over the array using a for statement.
- Access each element of the array and compare it to temp. If the current element is greater than temp, update temp and idx.
- In other words, when a value larger than the current maximum value is encountered, temp and idx are updated and the corresponding value and index are recorded.
- When the for statement ends, temp and idx will have the largest value and the index of that value.
- Store this value in the answer array and return the answer array.