
About types, variables, and operators in Java

   Mar 10, 2024     1 min read

This is an article about types, variables, and operators in Java.

In this article, we will learn about basic data types, variables, and operators in Java programming in preparation for an information processing article.

Data Types

It is largely divided into primitive data types and reference data types.

Basic data type

  • Integer type: byte, short, int, long
  • Real number: float, double
  • Character type: char
  • Logical type: boolean

Reference Data Type

  • Class
  • Interface
  • Array


A variable represents a memory space that stores data.

In Java, when declaring a variable, you must specify the data type of that variable.

The data type of a variable determines the type and size of data that the variable can store.

For example, to store integers, use the β€˜int’ data type, and to store characters, use the β€˜char’ data type.

int age = 20;
char gender = 'F';


Java provides various operators to manipulate data.

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, %, etc.
  • Comparison operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, etc.
  • Logical operators: &&,Β , ! etc.
  • Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, etc.

For example, to calculate the sum of two numbers, use the β€˜+’ arithmetic operator, and to compare two values for equality, use the β€˜==’ comparison operator.

int sum = 10 + 20; // Arithmetic operators
boolean isEqual = (sum == 30); // comparison operator


We learned about data types, variables, and operators in Java.

These are fundamental components of Java programming, so you should have a solid understanding of them.