
A person taller than a shrew (with.Java)

   Apr 27, 2024     2 min read

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This is an article that looks into the problem of “A person who is taller than a shyster (with.Java)”.

As I solve coding test problems, I look back on the problems I solved and look into different solution methods to learn more.

Let’s look at the problem first.


When I was at school, I was curious about what number I should stand in line according to my height.

When an integer array containing the heights of Mushroom’s classmates and the height of Mushroom’s height are given as parameters, complete the solution function to return the number of people taller than Mushroom.


  • 1 ≤ length of array ≤ 100
  • 1 ≤ height ≤ 200
  • 1 ≤ element of array ≤ 200

Input/Output Example

[149, 180, 192, 170]1673
[180, 120, 140]1900

My solution to the problem

class Solution {
     public int solution(int[] array, int height) {
         int answer = 0;
         for(int x : array){
             if(x > height){
         return answer;

Solution explanation

The element values of the array were extracted through a loop and compared with the height, which is the key of the mug.

By comparison, if there is a value greater than the height of the mush, the result is output by increasing the answer by 1.