Adding polynomials (with.Java)
This is an article about the “polynomial addition (with.Java)” problem.
As I solve coding test problems, I look back on the problems I solved and look into different solution methods to learn more.
Let’s look at the problem first.
An expression consisting of the sum of one or more terms is called a polynomial.
When calculating a polynomial, calculate and organize like terms.
When a polynomial consisting of addition is given as a parameter, complete the solution function to return the result of adding like terms as a string.
If the expressions are the same, the shortest expression is returned.
- 0 < number in polynomial < 100
- Only ‘x’ variable exists in polynomial.
- A polynomial consists of a positive integer, a space, ‘x’, and ‘+’.
- There is always a space between the term and the operation symbol.
- The spaces are not consecutive and there are no spaces at the beginning or end.
- There is no case where a variable comes before a number in one term.
- Invalid input such as “ + 3xx + + x7 + “ will not be given.
- Numbers cannot start with 0.
- Multiplication between letters and numbers is omitted.
- A polynomial has only linear terms and constant terms.
- Coefficient 1 is omitted.
- The constant term in the result is placed last.
- 0 < length of polynomial < 50
Input/Output Example
polynomial | result |
“3x + 7 + x” | “4x + 7” |
“x + x + x” | “3x” |
My solution to the problem
class Solution {
public String solution(String polynomial) {
String answer = "";
int xNum = 0;
int num = 0;
String[] strArr = polynomial.split(" ");
for(String str : strArr){
xNum += 1;
xNum += Integer.valueOf(str.replace("x", ""));
}else if(!str.equals("+")){
num += Integer.valueOf(str);
answer = (xNum != 0 ? xNum == 1 ? "x" : xNum + "x" : "") + (num != 0 ? (xNum != 0 ? " + " : "") + num : xNum == 0 ? "0" : "");
return answer;
Solution explanation
- String separation: Separates the given polynomials based on spaces and creates a string array.
- Terms processing: A loop is executed for each term, and terms containing x and constant terms are processed separately.
- Terms containing x: Accumulate the coefficients of x, distinguishing between cases where there is only “x” and cases where a number and “x” are combined.
- Constant term: If it is not “+” and does not contain “x”, the constant term is accumulated.
- Generate result string: Generate the final result string by combining the strings for the coefficients and constant terms of x.
Code pros and cons
- Advantages: We implemented logic that succinctly organizes polynomials, such as calculating each term appropriately and combining the results into a string. The code is written to be concise and easy to understand.
- Disadvantage: This code assumes that the input fits the given format. Exception handling is required when malformed input is given.