
H-Index (with.Java)

   Aug 5, 2024     2 min read

This is an article about the H-Index (with.Java) problem.

I would like to solve the coding test problem and reflect on the problem I solved.

Letā€™s get to the problem first.


The H-Index is an indicator of a scientistā€™s productivity and influence.

You want to find the value h that represents the H-Index of a scientist.

According to Wikipedia 1, H-Index is obtained as follows.

Of the n papers published by a scientist, if more than h are cited and the rest are cited less than h, the maximum value of h is this scientistā€™s H-Index.

Write a solution function to return this scientistā€™s H-Index, given the sequence citations of the number of citations of a paper published by a scientist as a parameter.


  • The number of papers published by scientists is more than one and less than 1,000.
  • The number of citations per paper is 0 or more and 10,000 or less.

Input/Output Examples

[3, 0, 6, 1, 5]3

my solution to the problem

import java.util.Arrays;

class Solution {
    public int solution(int[] citations) {
        int answer = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < citations.length; i++){
            int temp = Math.min(citations[i], citations.length - i);
            if(temp >= answer){
                answer = temp;
        return answer;

Solution Description

  • The solution method takes integer array citations as input.
  • First, sort the citations arrays in ascending order, which is a common approach to sort the arrays to calculate the H-Index.
  • Then use the for loop to traverse the array.
  • Choose a smaller value between each citation count citations[i] and the remaining number of citations.length -i, which makes the current H-Index candidate.
  • If the current H-Index candidate is greater or equal to the previous H-Index candidate, update the answer.
  • The subsequent values are smaller, meaning that the H-Index is no longer increasing, so end the iteration with break.
  • Finally, answer is returned.


The code solves the problem of computing H-Index using an array of number of thesis citations, which uses an iterative statement to find and verify H-Index candidates after arranging the arrays.