
About the nature of the transaction

   Sep 7, 2024     1 min read

This article examines the characteristics of transactions.


A transaction represents a logical unit of work performed in a database.

These transactions have the characteristics of ACID, which represent four characteristics: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and persistence.

Now let’s take a closer look at each characteristic.


Transactions must remain consistent with all tasks performed or nothing done.

This means that if all tasks are successfully completed, the transaction must be successfully completed, and if even one task fails, it must be rolled back to its previous state.


The database must remain consistent after the transaction is completed.

The consistency of the database must not change before and after the transaction is performed.

In other words, transactions must ensure the integrity of the database.


When multiple transactions are performed at the same time, each transaction must be performed independently without being affected by the actions of the other transactions.

In other words, there should be no interference between transactions, and each transaction should not be able to see the actions of other transactions.


Once a transaction is complete, changes made by that transaction must be permanently reflected in the database.

This means that even if the system fails, the database must retain its changes and be recoverable.

The Importance of Transactions

Transactions play an important role in ensuring the integrity of the database and maintaining the reliability and consistency of the database system.

Transactions that comply with these ACID characteristics ensure that the database system operates reliably and ensures the integrity of the data.

at the end of the day

A transaction represents a logical unit of action in a database and has the characteristic ACID.

These characteristics ensure that the database system operates reliably and the integrity of the data is maintained.

When designing and operating a database, it is critical to consider the nature of the transaction.

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